Is mulch needed? Well by adding mulch is typically the final piece in the jigsaw when completing your planting installation yet not many people know the importance or why we are adding mulch.

What is mulch?

Quite simply mulch is a loose covering of organic matter, typically bark, that is placed all over the soil and around the plants.

Are there different types?

There are two types of mulch that you can use in and around your planting areas. They are organic and inorganic. The inorganic variety is typically gravel or pebbles, these will add zero value to the soil and the plants.

The organic mulch is the type that we at The Landscape Service like to use. Aesthetic wise it makes the planting areas look more complete as well as adding to the natural look. By using organic mulch such as bark chippings you are adding additional beneficial nutrients to the soil and surrounding plants.

When should you add mulch?

There are a few times throughout the year when it is ideal to add mulch. Typically, you want to be introducing mulch straight after you have finished planting in your new plants as these will benefit from the weed suppression and moisture retention. If you are adding the mulch around already established plants, you should be starting this process in late spring. This is because the annual weeds are yet to germinate, and your plants are dormant. It is also possible to mulch in autumn as all the perennials and grasses are starting to die back.

What are the benefits?

There are many benefits that adding mulch to your planting beds, and some of these have already been mentioned. They massively help protect the plants roots from frost as well as warmer temperatures and can warm the soil up during the Spring. One of the important points is that it helps suppress growing weeds and can save you money on watering was mulch is extremely good at storing water.

After thoughts to consider

Due to the organic value of some mulch, you might want to consider topping up the mulched areas as after a few years as the organic matter starts to break down in the soil.